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How do I record my Licensed Tracks?
How do I record my Licensed Tracks?
Cee avatar
Written by Cee
Updated over a week ago

From the Licensing page under Accounts, you will be able to enter details of each third party release that your tracks are included in – you are now able to enter the label name and a catalogue number or upc code that will be used to match against royalty statements.

Once the details of each license have been entered, there are a couple of different ways to enter your royalties depending on how you receive your statement:

If you receive your statement in pdf or other non-spreadsheet format, or if there are only a couple of royalties to process, you can enter the amounts manually be clicking ‘Add Track Sales’ when editing the license. Here you can enter individual sales of each track or enter an amount for sales of the whole release that will be divided equally among each track included in the license.

If you receive your statement in xls, csv, xlsx or txt format you can upload it as a royalty statement through the Royalties page under Accounts. If pre-allocations exist for tracks included in your license, they will be matched automatically if possible, or will be available for selection at the bottom of the pre-allocation track selection box (try searching for the catalogue number). For sales of full licensed releases, these can be manually selected from the pre-allocation box and the system will divide these royalties equally between each track included in the license so you can then allocate them as normal.

For best matching against pre-allocations, be sure to enter the UPC of the release containing the licensed tracks and enter the release title as the reference of the license.

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