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What are Predicted Total, and Predicted Label Share used for?
What are Predicted Total, and Predicted Label Share used for?
Cee avatar
Written by Cee
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes you may want to estimate the amount you receive from a store or distributor to prepare your finances and make predictions.

To do so you can create a statement and enter in a predicted total (the total amount of royalties you expect the statement to contain) and a predicted label share (the percentage of those royalties that you believe will be assigned on the label, most likely based on label share from previous months or your standard contract rate).

Label Engine will calculate a predicted label revenue (how much money you expect to make) and include this on the statements page totals and exports from the statements page. If the values provided on the statements page are based upon predicted values, they will be grayed out.

The predictions will not be used anywhere else and are only displayed when accurate information (i.e. once royalties have been added or the statement completed) is not available.

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